The application for the Academies@Englewood is now Available! Please click on the link below to access the application.

6th Grade Students and Parents, join us for a JDMS Meet and Greet!

JDMS School Supply List 2023!

Help our school win $2500.00. You still have time to get your orders in. Thank you to those who have ordered so far!! Let's go JDMS!!
Cupcakes can be ordered from Chic Sugars in Englewood! Fundraiser has been extended until tomorrow, March 23, 2023.
Phone: 201-402-3336
Email: Orders@ChicSugars.com

March Newsletter Now Available.

The Bergen/Essex CAP (Child Assault Prevention) will begin holding workshops for JDMS students during the month of February. To learn more about CAP and what your children will be learning, please log on to the Zoom, Parent Meeting tomorrow evening.
Bergen/ Essex CAP is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Janis E Dismus Middle School Parent meeting
Time: Feb 1, 2023 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 4639 9776
Passcode: dismus

You are not alone this Holiday Season, pick up the phone and get support!

Good Afternoon,
The Academies of Englewood Virtual Open House is today November 3rd from 7pm to 9pm. Below please find the zoom link to connect.
Class of 2027 Virtual Open House
Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88451392886

Reminder! JDMS "Noche Latina" Hispanic Heritage Celebration this Wednesday @ 6:30 - 8:30 PM. A night of Dinner, Student presentations, Speakers and Dancing.
Looking forward to seeing you there! :)
Celebración de la Herencia Hispana "Noche Latina" de JDMS este miércoles de 6:30 a 8:30 p. m. Una noche de Cena, Presentaciones de Estudiantes, Conferencistas y Baile.
¡Espero verte allí! :)

JDMS PTO Meeting 10/18/22 @ 6:30 PM.
Looking forward to seeing you TUESDAY night! :)

Please make sure you check out the JDMS Summer Reading Assignment on our Website:

Avoid the Summer Slide - check out summer packets and learning resources on our website: https://www.epsd.org/page/summer-learning

Monday and Tuesday, May 9th and 10th, we will be conducting the 8th grade Science NJSLA.

State Testing begins Monday 4/25/22!

School will be closed on Monday, March 7, 2022 for Professional Development

Parent Teacher Conferences Tuesday March 8 @ 1:45PM - 3:45PM
Wednesday 6:30PM - 8:30 PM

Parent/Guardian Information Session
We encourage parents to
attend an Elementary CAP parent workshop:
Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Link: Click here to join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 0820 4773
Passcode: 962825
These workshops will help students in grades 1-6 to:
" Prevent abuse and harassment.
" Be assertive without being aggressive.
" Be empowered to protect themselves from violence, harassment, cyber bullying, sexual assault and other potentially dangerous situations.

We like to wish all JDMS Families a Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year. We need all students to clean out their lockers and take all of their belongings home over Winter Break. This will allow our custodial staff an opportunity to conduct a thorough deep cleaning of our school over the break. Thank you.

Do the rising cases of Covid - 19, JDMS is going to have to cancel Donuts with Dad. Hopefully if the Covid-19 cases go down in the Spring then we will reschedule. Thank you for understanding.
The JDMS Admin Team