Hello JDMS Parents and Guardians, Due to the weather, Homework Haven and the JDMS Basketball Game have been canceled today. Thank you.
about 19 hours ago, Dr. Mathieu
As a result of the icy conditions this morning. The Englewood Public School District will operate with a delayed opening schedule. Schools will open two hours later than the regular time. Como resultado de las condiciones heladas de esta mañana. El Distrito de Escuelas Públicas de Englewood operará con un horario de apertura retrasado. Las escuelas abrirán dos horas más tarde que el horario habitual.
about 23 hours ago, Naomi Morton
As a result of the predicted icy conditions tomorrow morning. The Englewood Public School District will operate with a delayed opening schedule. If conditions worsen you will receive an announcement in the morning.
1 day ago, Naomi Morton
Hello JDMS Parents & Guardians, Just a reminder that school is closed tomorrow, Monday, 1/20/25 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
19 days ago, Dr. Mathieu
Hello JDMS Parents, Please join us tomorrow at the EPSD Parent University at Grieco Elementary School at 5PM. Have dinner, participate in raffles and participate in amazing workshops presented by several JDMS Staff. The flyer attached outlines workshops specific to JDMS or presented by JDMS Staff. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
24 days ago, Dr. Mathieu
Hello JDMS Community, The JDMS December Newsletter is now available. Please enjoy. Newsletter Link: https://5il.co/33zxz
about 1 month ago, Dr. Mathieu
Hello JDMS Parents and Guardians, This is just a reminder that Friday is a half/day and students will be dismissed at 12 PM. School will be closed for Winter Break from 12/23/24 - 1/1/25. Friday is Flannel Day, the last day of the JDMS Spirit Week. Students are expected to follow our Dress Code. Pajamas are not allowed. If students show up to school in Pajamas, Parents/Guardians will be called to bring students appropriate clothing for school. Unlike elementary school, pajamas for this age group is not appropriate or allowed. Thank you for your cooperation. Hola padres y tutores de JDMS, Esto es solo un recordatorio de que el viernes es medio día y los estudiantes saldrán a las 12 p.m. La escuela estará cerrada durante las vacaciones de invierno del 23/12/24 al 1/1/25. El viernes es el Día de la Franela, el último día de la Semana del Espíritu de JDMS. Aún se espera que los estudiantes sigan nuestro código de vestimenta. No se permiten pijamas. Si los estudiantes se presentan a la escuela en pijama, se llamará a los padres/tutores para que traigan a los estudiantes ropa adecuada para la escuela. A diferencia de la escuela primaria, los pijamas para este grupo de edad no son apropiados ni están permitidos. Gracias por su cooperación.
about 2 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
Please attend our Free Family Dinner. We will be discussing improving student attendance. Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2024. Time: 6:30 PM. Location: JDMS Cafeteria Sponsored by: NJ4S. Please reserve your spot on the link below: https://forms.office.com/r/TwGMBvLpAT Por favor asista a nuestra Cena Familiar Gratuita. Discutiremos cómo mejorar la asistencia de los estudiantes. Fecha: miércoles 18 de diciembre de 2024. Hora: 6:30 P.M.. Ubicación: Cafetería JDMS Patrocinado por: NJ4S. Por favor reserve su lugar en el siguiente enlace: https://forms.office.com/r/TwGMBvLpAT
about 2 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
Hello JDMS Community, THE JDMS BAND IS DOING A HOODIE SALE! JDMS Band Hoodies are $30 and are in Men's/Unisex Sizes. The front features our new JDMS Band Logo and the back can be personalized with either a name, an instrument, or can be left blank. If interested in ordering a JDMS Band Hoodie please fill out the order form below. Money should be submitted to Mr. D by Friday, December 6th. Once payment is turned in you will receive a receipt for your order. An image of the JDMS Band Hoodie can be found in the order form and below! JDMS Band Hoodie Order Form - https://forms.office.com/r/prPGYQLfmK Save the Date: JDMS Holiday Market 12/14/24 - 11 AM to 4 PM Shop locally, just in time for the holidays.
2 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
Hello Parents and Guardians, Due to the new half-day dismissal time of 12 PM, Monday's (11/25/24) Parent Teacher Conference hours have been changed from 1PM to 3PM. If you have already scheduled your conference for Monday, you must reschedule your conference, since the hours have been adjusted. Tuesday's conference will be held from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. You can schedule your Parent Teacher Conference in the Genesis Parent Portal.
3 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
Hello JDMS Community, Are you a small business owner? Do you sell crafts, jewelry, etc... Then sign up to be a vendor in the JDMS Holiday Market Sale, this December. Please see the flyer for more details.
3 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
JDMS Students, Please complete the survey on the link below to share information about student attendance. https://forms.office.com/r/yH9k6SYa3L
3 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
Dear Parents and Guardians, Please take two minutes to complete the attached survey regarding student absenteeism. The survey will take less than two minutes but will give us valuable information to address student absences. Estimados padres y tutores, Tómese dos minutos para completar la encuesta adjunta sobre el ausentismo estudiantil. La encuesta tomará menos de dos minutos pero nos brindará información valiosa para abordar las ausencias de los estudiantes. https://forms.office.com/r/BS9yyz3wD2
3 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
Join JDMS and the Link's Incorporated for a National STEM Summit. Students and their families will watch a film featuring Time Magazine's 2024 Kid of the Year Heman Bekele, followed by a STEM activity for students. Prizes will be given out to participants that will include laptops and gift cards. Date: Saturday, November 16, 2024 Time: 12 PM Location: JDMS Cafeteria 325 Tryon Ave. Englewood, NJ 07631 *** All EPSD students are invited ***
3 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
JDMS Updates
Hello Parents & Guardians: Just a reminder that this upcoming week, school will be closed on Tuesday 11/5/24 and Thursday - Friday, 11/7/24 - 11/8/24, for Election Day and Teachers' Convention. 8th Grade Cap & Gown Photos will be on 11/4/24.
3 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
This week JDMS will be launching Yondr Pouches to all JDMS students.
3 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
Hello Parents and Guardians, Below is the link for the JDMS October Newsletter. In our newsletter you will find information about upcoming events and activities. Please enjoy! https://5il.co/2yacf
4 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
Hello JDMS Parents and Guardians, This is just a reminder that tomorrow evening, Wednesday, 9/25/24 at 6:30 PM we will have an 8th Grade Parent Meeting. Ms. Robertson will review 8th Grade events, event prices and Graduation. We will also have a representative from Bergen County to discuss the various County schools that are a option for high school. She will review the different programs, their application process and application deadlines. Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
5 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
Thank you, Parents and Guardians, for attending the JDMS Back to School Night! It was wonderful to see you all. We know this year is going to be amazing. If you need anything, please feel free to reach out. We are here for you! Please check out our Back to School Video: https://youtu.be/FW27qHwjpcw?si=SJ4Y3NF4J6GXKFp4 Goodnight! Dr. Mathieu & Mr. Alarcon
5 months ago, Dr. Mathieu
Join Us for the 2024 Back to School Fair! Tomorrow, Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM at Winton White Stadium! Enjoy a fun-filled day with free admission and exciting activities for the whole family: Food Vendors Wet/Dry Inflatables Community Booths Face Painting Music by DJ KAZ Students can pick up their new Verizon Laptops tomorrow at the Back to School Fair at Grieco Elementary School. Verizon Laptops must be picked up by a Parent or Guardian. All forms in Genesis must be completed in Genesis before the Laptop is picked up. If your child has not turned in their old laptop, please bring the old laptop with the charger to exchange for a new laptop. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
5 months ago, Dr. Mathieu