In the past, asbestos was used extensively in building materials because of its insulating, sound absorbing, and fire retarding capabilities. Virtually any building constructed before the late 70โ€™s contained some asbestos. Intact and undisturbed asbestos materials generally do not pose a health risk. Asbestos materials, however, can become hazardous when, due to damage or deterioration over time, they release fibers. If the fibers are inhaled, they can lead to health problems, such as cancer and asbestosis.

In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) which requires schools to be inspected to identify any asbestos containing building materials. Suspected asbestos-containing building materials were located, sampled (or assumed) and rated according to condition and potential hazard. Here is a link to the 2019 AHERA Yearly Notification document.

Every six months the Englewood Public School District conducts a survey of known or suspected asbestos containing building materials and every three years the District conducts a full re-inspection to determine whether the condition of the known or assumed asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) has changed and to make recommendations on managing or removing the ACBM. At the last re-inspection, all materials listed in the Asbestos Management Plan as asbestos containing (or assumed to be asbestos-containing) were inspected and appropriate response actions recommended.

The law further requires an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) to be in place. The Englewood Public School District has developed and maintains a plan as required. The plan has several ongoing requirements: distribute an annual notification on the status of asbestos activities, educate and train potentially exposed employees about asbestos and how to safely deal with it, notify short-term or temporary workers on the locations of the asbestos containing building materials; post warning labels in non-public locations where asbestos was previously identified or assumed, follow set plans and procedures designed to minimize the disturbance of asbestos containing building materials and survey the condition of these materials every six months to assure that they remain in good condition.

It is the intention of the Englewood Public School District to comply with all federal and state regulations controlling asbestos and to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure students and employees a healthy and safe environment in which to learn and work. You are welcome to review a copy of the AMP in the Buildings and Grounds office during regular school hours.


This notice is being distributed to comply with the New Jersey School Integrated Pest Management Act. Englewood Public Schools has adopted an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Policy and has implemented an IPM Plan to comply with this law. IPM is a holistic, preventive approach to managing pests that is explained further in the school's IPM Policy included with this notice.

All schools in New Jersey are required to have an Integrated Pest Management Coordinator (IPM Coordinator) to oversee all activities related to IPM and pesticide use at the school. The IPM Coordinator maintains the pesticide product label, and the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) (when one is available), of each pesticide product that may be used on school property. The label and the MSDS are available for review by a parent, guardian, staff member, or student attending the school. Also, the IPM Coordinator is available to parents, guardians, and staff members for information and to discuss comments about IPM activities and pesticide use at the school.

Please follow this link for information on Pest Management specific to each of the EPSD schools.