Hello Parents and Guardians,
We are so excited to meet your children tomorrow and begin an AWESOME school year of teaching and learning. Just as a reminder all students should bring their school laptop and charging cord with them to school, as they will need their laptops in class. School starts promptly at 8AM. Breakfast will be served from 7:30AM - 7:55AM. Dismissal will be at 2:30PM. Due to Covid Restrictions, only students and staff are permitted in the building. If you would like an in person meeting with Administration or Guidance please call the main office to schedule an appointment at 201-862-6005. Please remember that all students are required to wear a face mask during the school day.
The JDMS Administrative Team
Hello Parents & Guardians,
Please feel free to review our Student Handbook with your Child. The Handbook will also be printed as part of the Student Planner, which your child will receive when they begin school.
Student Handbook: https://5il.co/x5m4
Student Handbook (Spanish): https://5il.co/x5m5
Welcome Back to School!
Dear Parents, Guardians & Students:
As we begin to close out our Summer Break we would like to share some important documents with you to prepare for the return to school. The first day for students is Thursday, September 2, 2021. Currently there will be no virtual option for school and there is a mandatory mask mandate for all individuals in the school building. Below are links to some important documents, in order to prepare for the start of school. Enjoy the rest of your Summer and we will see you all in September.
The JDMS Administrative Team
School Lunch Forms can be accessed via the Parent Portal on Genesis: https://parents.genesisedu.com/englewood/sis/view?gohome=true
JDMS Newsletter: https://5il.co/wwbe
2021-2022 Event Calendar: https://5il.co/x333
Nurse's Announcements:
School Supply List: https://5il.co/wswx
Summer program for students in grades 6 - 9 at the Bergen Family Center: https://5il.co/uya7
Please see attached flyer about our summer school program for this summer: https://5il.co/uam0
Summer School Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/r/SPEvpWNJuK
Consulte los folletos adjuntos sobre nuestro programa de escuela de verano para este verano: https://5il.co/uam1
Enlace de inscripción a la Escuela de Verano: https://forms.office.com/r/SPEvpWNJuK
The Janis E. Dismus Middle School Moving Up Ceremony – June 18, 2021 @ 1:30pm will be livestreamed at this link - https://youtu.be/EeUjpj0FPek
The moving up ceremonies for McCloud and JDMS, and the DMHS graduation will all be live streamed from our district YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfggSnaSMjc6LVWEFlr83Jw
Direct links to the live streams will be available on the school websites on the morning of each ceremony.
Check out JDMS' School Newspaper for the Month of May! https://5il.co/tdh8
Spanish Version
All 8th Grade Boys, join us tonight for Facing Forward!
JDMS Girls Talk 2021
Time: Apr 17, 2021 09:30 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
COVID-19 Daily Health Form: Instructions and Video
PDF: https://5il.co/rmcp
Video: https://www.epsd.org/o/epsd/page/parent-daily-covid-health-form
March 18th Picture Day for Grades 6 & 7 , 3PM to 6PM. Please fill out the following Covid Screening form before coming to take your pictures.
JDMS February Newsletter https://5il.co/q08r
We Remember...
JDMS Celebrates MLK
Please enjoy our Virtual Select Choir!
Please see the attached flyers regarding updated testing times: https://5il.co/n7xy & https://5il.co/n7xz
Please see the attached Notice of Public Board Meeting (Zoom) for November 19, 2020: https://5il.co/n4go
Please see the attached updated flyer for Parent University: https://5il.co/n22c
Please see the attached flyer regarding Parent University: https://5il.co/mx68