Welcome Back!

Dear Parent(s) & Guardian(s),

As our first day of school draws near, please redirect your attention to our school website (http://jdms.epsd.org/o/jdms) to ensure that you have all of the information needed to start school on Thursday, September 2, 2021. Please see the following bulleted points that may answer some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) with links also included below:


  • What is the first day of school?

Thursday, September 2, 2021

  • When will my child receive her/his schedule?

Schedules will be made available on Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Please access after 12PM via the Genesis Parent Portal

  • What time does school start/end?

Period 1 (Homeroom) begins at 8:00AM and ends after Period 7 at 2:30PM

  • Where does my child enter JDMS in the AM?

6th Graders- East Door (By the Gymnasium)
7th Graders- Center Door (Main Entrance)
8th Graders- West Door (Closest to Parking lot)

  • Are masks required?
  • Yes, there is a mask mandate for all who enter the building. Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order (EO) 251, which will mandate masking in the indoor premises of all public, private, and parochial preschool, elementary, and secondary school buildings, with limited exceptions.
  • Is there a virtual option?

No, however, a virtual learning contingency plan will be shared in the event that we may have to exercise it.

  • Will my child receive a JDMS Student Handbook/Planner?
  • As a starting point, please feel free to review our JDMS Student Handbook with your Child. The JDMS Student Handbook will also be printed as part of the JDMS Student Planner, which your child will receive when they begin school. In the meantime please click on the links below to access this resource:

Student Handbook: https://5il.co/x5m4
Student Handbook (Spanish): https://5il.co/x5m5

Where can I find additional information about JDMS to prepare for the first day of school?

Again, enjoy the rest of your Summer and we will see you all on Thursday!

Have an amazing weekend,
The JDMS Administrative Team