
JDMS Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Below you will find a link that contains very important documents that cover most of the frequently asked questions concerning our Re-Opening on April 19, 2021. I will also be covering most of the enclosed information during our Virtual Parent Meeting on April 13, 2021 @ 6:30 PM.

Please access the following web address below to view the following documents:

  • JDMS Parent Student Hybrid Guide 
  • JDMS Re-Opening Plan (District)
  • JDMS Re-Opening Parent Meeting Flyer
  • JDMS Schedule (with cohorts)
  • JDMS Letter from Denise Londono (Nurse)
  • Can my child go to school today?
  • Puede mi hijo ir a la escuela hoy?
  • Important April Dates

Enjoy the rest of your Spring Break!

Principal Lamarr Thomas